The Flyer
The two-person Bird-in-Hand Flyer is a lightweight vehicle. It is elegant in its design and is excellent to take to shows. It is also suitable for all three phases of a combined driving event. Even after more than twenty years on the market, the Flyer has retained its resale value better than any other modern traditional carriage.
Available in sizes to fit 12 to 16 hh
Approx. 350 lbs.
Featured Image: BIH Flyer with removable back step, flush hubs, drum brakes and Bedford Cord Upholstery.
Included in Base Price:
- Hatch back
- Painted hubcaps
- Painted metalwork in choice of color
- Oak panels
- Double seat
- Patent leather on shafts
- Wooden shafts with steel heel
- Trunk box
- Plain vinyl or imitation cord upholstery
- Wooden or metal wheels
(Driver is Mark Duffell - Photograph by Karmin Benton)
(Driver is Mark Duffell - Photograph by Karmin Benton)
(Driver is Lydia Gray - Photograph by Mandy Fairchild of Love Above Photography)
(Driver is Lydia Gray - Photograph by Justine Sokol of Dream Vision Photo)
Kathy Beeson drives her beautiful Bird-in-Hand Flyer.
PhotoFinish Farm in Buxton, Maine is the setting for this first-time training with pairs on the Bird-in-Hand Eagle and Bird-in-Hand Flyer. The carriages are excellent for pleasure driving in Maine, especially along the rustic carriage roads in Acadia National Park. Horses are retired Standardbred racehorses and Newfoundland Ponies, a critically endangered breed and heritage animal in Canada. (Photograph by Gloria Steiger - Drivers are Barbara Pretorious & Robyn Cuffey)
In synchronized step a pair of Newfoundland Ponies performs well during their first-time training on the Bird-in-Hand Flyer. This pony-sized carriage is Brewster Green with walnut stain and can make light turns with a pair. Meadowbrook Festive Holly and Outback Lily of the Valley are members of a critically endangered breed, with only 300 Newfoundland Ponies in existence. (Photo by Gloria Steiger - Driver is Robyn Cuffey)